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Available Dogs arrow CHEWIE (23-057)

CHEWIE (23-057) Hi! I’m Chewie, I’m 5 years old and I’m looking for a forever home where I can get lots of exercise. My white face may make me look older, but I act like I’m 2. I love chewing antlers, playing tug, and eventually destuffing my stuffies. One of my very favorite things is picking up a twig, then racing in little circles around myself or big circles around my foster mom. She says I am prone to “spontaneous bursts of exuberance!” I walk well on a leash except for that twig thing or when in proximity to people or other dogs. I do love dogs and people, but I sometimes get so excited that I pee a little bit. I guess I need to work on greeting everyone more calmly. While I lived with young children before, I like to playfully put fingers and hands in my mouth. I don’t bite, but I could scare little ones (or big ones) who are not prepared for it or used to dogs.

Although I’m a pretty healthy guy, I do have allergies. I get itchy, flakey skin, and can end up with hotspots. This may be seasonal, but currently I am doing just fine with a limited ingredient dog food. My foster mom says one of my best qualities is that I hardly ever bark, so don’t expect me to be a watchdog. Despite my name, I don’t chew things that are not mine. I also don’t counter surf and I can be left alone without any problems. I’m a good passenger in the car. I am a very happy and loving dog with a tail that wags almost constantly. In the morning, we engage in pets and play before I jump off the bed. I like being kissed on the head! I also like learning new things. I am very good at sit and usually good with come, drop it, leave it, shake, heel, and stay. I adapt to household routines quickly. Things on my wish list include a fenced yard, maybe another dog who loves to romp around, and folks who will give me exercise and cuddles. I will repay you with lots of fun and love!
