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Chief  07-121

Chief 07-121

Chief’s Fund was established in 2008 to provide MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) procedures for GRREAT dogs in need of advanced medical diagnostics.  The fund was established by Chuck and Sandra Johnson in memory of their beloved foster dog Chief (07-121).  Chief was 14 months old when he came to GRREAT in July 2007 with a history of seizures.  Because Chuck is retired and home most of the time, the Johnsons were asked to foster Chief so the seizures could be monitored.  Chief did well on medication and was eventually adopted.  Unfortunately, after he went to a new home, he started having more seizures and was returned to GRREAT and went back to live with the Johnsons.

When Chief came back to GRREAT, the seizures had caused a considerable amount of further brain damage and he was no longer house broken.  Since an MRI had never been done, the extent of the damage and what was really causing the seizures was not fully understood.  But Chief did very well for the next 10 weeks and was seizure free.

Chief 07-121

Chief 07-121

One Saturday morning, Chief suddenly jumped off the bed and started seizing.  His foster Mom and Dad recognized that this seizure was different, and they rushed him to the vet’s office.  Chief stayed at the vet’s for two days, but the seizure activity could not be stopped.  At this point, Chief was taken to see a neurologist.  An MRI was performed and it was discovered that Chief had brain inflammation (hydrocephaly) and extensive damage.  He remained in an Intensive Care Unit for a week, and then went home to the Johnsons.  Sadly, it soon became obvious that there was no hope of returning Chief to a happy and healthy Golden life.  He could eat, but he didn’t know how to drink or to walk without leaning against a wall, and he would get stuck in corners.  It was agreed that Chief had suffered enough and his foster Mom and Dad knew it was time to let him go to the Rainbow Bridge and be in peace.  He was just 20 months old.

The Johnsons decided to set up a fund in memory of Chief so that expensive MRI procedures could be performed for other GRREAT dogs early enough for a medical condition to be better understood, thus eliminating extensive costs and suffering.  If you would like to help us provide MRIs for dogs needing more sophisticated diagnosis of a medical problem, please visit our donation page, where you can make a contribution to Chief’s Fund.  Thank you!

