GRREAT (703) 620-6593

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The Simile-Finale Fund was started to provide acupuncture treatment for GRREAT dogs.  It has evolved to provide other sources of holistic medical care including hydrotherapy (includes underwater treadmill and swim therapy), cold laser therapy (to aid in wound healing and reduce pain), massage therapy, manual physical therapy, allergy testing and treatment, TENS (electrical stimulation to control pain), as well as other homeopathic and natural remedies and treatments.  The fund has helped our rescued Golden Retrievers recover from a wide variety of medical conditions including surgeries, injuries from accidents, neurological and muscular deficits, pain, arthritis, and the effects of aging, separation anxiety, thunderstorm and noise phobias, and allergies.

Bubby 13-032 came into GRREAT in April 2013 at two years of age in need of surgery on both rear knees.  His right knee did very well, but his left knee required multiple follow-up surgeries.   Hydrotherapy is providing Bubby with post-operative exercise to strengthen his muscles and help him develop balance and coordination to stand and walk.

These videos show his improvement after two months of hydrotherapy.  On the left, as he began the therapy, he was walking at 0.8 mph, his tail tucked, needing a life vest and harness for support.  You see him lifting and moving that rear left leg in an awkward, sweeping motion.  On the right, he is walking at 1.5 mph, using his muscles to keep himself centered and coordinated, without need of the the vest and harness.   He has a smoother gate in his left leg and he walks with confidence.



The announcement of the Simile-Finale fund appeared in the January/February 1998 issue of the GRREAT News with the following letter from Elizabeth Oberdorfer, who made a very generous contribution to start the fund:

Dear GRREAT, I was very pleased with the acupuncture and holistic therapy administered to my dogs, Simile and Finale, by Dr. Kocen.  In their memory, I enclose my check … in the name of the Simile-Finale Fund, to provide acupuncture therapy for dogs in your care.  Sincerely,  Elizabeth Oberdorfer

“Simile” (short for “Facsimile”) was the nickname for Elizabeth’s Golden Retriever who looked just like another Golden Retriever that had once belonged to Elizabeth’s son. “Finale” was the name given to another of Elizabeth’s Goldens, and she was the last born in a litter of pups. Both girls had been under the care of Dr. Jordan Kocen before he began to specialize in the holistic treatment of dogs. Vitamins and special diets had been recommended, and when Simile developed carcinoma in her shoulder, acupuncture was performed to help her overcome the pain associated with the illness. Finale also received acupuncture treatments to help improve her mobility as she aged. After witnessing the positive benefits of veterinary acupuncture, Elizabeth was moved to start the Simile-Finale Fund so that rescued Golden Retrievers could be helped by this type of medical care.

In 2013, 16 GRREAT dogs received these types of alternative therapies.

Finale, Elizabeth, Simile. The Simile-Finale Fund inspirations and founder.

Finale, Elizabeth, Simile. The Simile-Finale Fund inspirations and founder.


If you would like to help us continue to treat our rescued Golden Retrievers in need of swim therapy and other holistic treatments, please visit our donation page, where you can make a contribution to the Simile-Finale Fund.  Thank you!

